Clearwater Configuration Options Reference

This document describes all the Clearwater configuration options that can be set in /etc/clearwater/shared_config, /etc/clearwater/local_config or /etc/clearwater/user_settings.

At a high level, these files contain the following types of configuration options: * shared_config - This file holds settings that are common across the entire deployment. This file should be identical on all nodes (and any changes can be easily synchronised across the deployment as described in this process). * local_config - This file holds settings that are specific to a single node and are not applicable to any other nodes in the deployment. They are entered early on in the node’s life and are not typically changed. * user_settings - This file holds settings that may vary between systems in the same deployment, such as log level (which may be increased on certain nodes to track down specific issues) and performance settings (which may vary if some nodes in your deployment are more powerful than others)

Modifying Configuration

You should follow this process when changing settings in “Shared Config”. For settings in the “Local config” or “User settings” you should:

  • Modify the configuration file
  • Run sudo service clearwater-infrastructure restart to regenerate any dependent configuration files
  • Restart the relevant Clearwater service(s) using the following commands as appropriate for the node.
    • Sprout - sudo service sprout quiesce
    • Bono - sudo service bono quiesce
    • Homestead - sudo service homestead stop && sudo service homestead-prov stop
    • Homer - sudo service homer stop
    • Ralf -sudo service ralf stop
    • Ellis - sudo service ellis stop
    • Memento - sudo service memento stop

Local Config

This section describes settings that are specific to a single node and are not applicable to any other nodes in the deployment. They are entered early on in the node’s life and are not normally changed. These options should be set in /etc/clearwater/local_config. Once this file has been created it is highly recommended that you do not change it unless instructed to do so. If you find yourself needing to change these settings, you should destroy and recreate then node instead.

  • local_ip - this should be set to an IP address which is configured on an interface on this system, and can communicate on an internal network with other Clearwater nodes and IMS core components like the HSS.

  • public_ip - this should be set to an IP address accessible to external clients (SIP UEs for Bono, web browsers for Ellis). It does not need to be configured on a local interface on the system - for example, in a cloud environment which puts instances behind a NAT.

  • public_hostname - this should be set to a hostname which resolves to public_ip, and will communicate with only this node (i.e. not be round-robined to other nodes). It can be set to public_ip if necessary.

  • node_idx - an index number used to distinguish this node from others of the same type in the cluster (for example, sprout-1 and sprout-2). Optional.

  • etcd_cluster - this is a comma separated list of IP addresses, for example etcd_cluster=, It should be set on one of two ways:

  • If the node is forming a new deployment, it should contain the IP addresses of all the nodes that are forming the new deployment (including this node).

  • If the node is joining an existing deployment, it should contain the IP addresses of all the nodes that are currently in the deployment.

  • etcd_cluster_key - this is the name of the etcd datastore clusters that this node should join. It defaults to the function of the node (e.g. a Homestead node defaults to using ‘homestead’ as its etcd datastore cluster name when it joins the Cassandra cluster). This must be set explicitly on nodes that colocate function.

  • scscf_node_uri - this can be optionally set, and only applies to nodes running an S-CSCF. If it is configured, it almost certainly needs configuring on each S-CSCF node in the deployment.

    If set, this is used by the node to advertise the URI to which requests to this node should be routed. It should be formatted as a SIP URI.

    This will need to be set if the local IP address of the node is not routable by all the application servers that the S-CSCF may invoke. In this case, it should be configured to contain an IP address or host which is routable by all of the application servers – e.g. by using a domain and port on which the sprout can be addressed -

    The result will be included in the Route header on SIP messages sent to application servers invoked during a call.

    If it is not set, the URI that this S-CSCF node will advertise itself as will be sip:<local_ip>:<scscf_port> where <local_ip> is documented above, and <scscf_port> is the port on which the S-CSCF is running, which is 5054 by default.

Shared Config

This section describes settings that are common across the entire deployment.

Core options

This section describes options for the basic configuration of a Clearwater deployment - such as the hostnames of the six node types and external services such as email servers or the Home Subscriber Server. These options should be set in the /etc/clearwater/shared_config file (in the format name=value, e.g.

  • home_domain - this is the main SIP domain of the deployment, and determines which SIP URIs Clearwater will treat as local. It will usually be a hostname resolving to all the P-CSCFs (e.g. the Bono nodes). Other domains can be specified through additional_home_domains, but Clearwater will treat this one as the default (for example, when handling tel: URIs).
  • sprout_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Sprout nodes in the cluster.
  • bono_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Bono nodes in the cluster.
  • hs_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Homesteads in the cluster. Should include the HTTP port (usually 8888). This is also used (without the port) as the Origin-Realm of the Diameter messages Homestead sends.
  • hs_provisioning_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Homesteads in the cluster. Should include the HTTP provisioning port (usually 8889). Not needed when using an external HSS.
  • ralf_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Ralf nodes in the cluster. Should include the port (usually 9888). This is also used (without the port) as the Origin-Realm of the Diameter messages Ralf sends. Optional if no Ralf nodes exist.
  • cdf_identity - a Diameter identity that represents the address of an online Charging Function. Subscribers provisioned through Ellis will have this set as their Primary Charging Collection Function on P-Charging-Function-Addresses headers on responses to their successful REGISTERs, and Bono will add similarly in originating requests.
  • xdms_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Homer nodes in the cluster. Should include the port (usually 7888).
  • hss_realm - this sets the Destination-Realm of your external HSS. When this field is set, Homestead will then attempt to set up multiple Diameter connections using an SRV lookup on this realm.
  • hss_hostname - this sets the Destination-Host of your external HSS, if you have one. Homestead will also try and establish a Diameter connection to this host (on port 3868) if no SRV-discovered peers exist.
  • signup_key - this sets the password which Ellis will require before allowing self-sign-up.
  • turn_workaround - if your STUN/TURN clients are not able to authenticate properly (for example, because they can’t send the @ sign), this specifies an additional password which will authenticate clients even without a correct username.
  • smtp_smarthost - Ellis allows password recovery by email. This sets the SMTP server used to send those emails.
  • smtp_username - Ellis allows password recovery by email. This sets the username used to log in to the SMTP server.
  • smtp_password - Ellis allows password recovery by email. This sets the password used to log in to the SMTP server.
  • email_recovery_sender - Ellis allows password recovery by email. This sets the email address those emails are sent from.
  • ellis_api_key - sets a key which can be used to authenticate automated requests to Ellis, by setting it as the value of the X-NGV-API header. This is used to expire demo users regularly.
  • ellis_hostname - a hostname that resolves to Ellis, if you don’t want to use ellis.home_domain. This should match Ellis’s SSL certificate, if you are using one.
  • memento_hostname - a hostname that resolves by DNS round-robin to all Mementos in the cluster (the default is memento.<home_domain>). This should match Memento’s SSL certificate, if you are using one.

Sproutlet options

This section describes optional configuration options for the Clearwater Sproutlets. Sproutlets are built on top of Sprout, and encapsulate the business logic of the I-CSCF/S-CSCF/BGCF, or Project Clearwater’s built in Application servers

There are currently eight different Sproutlets:

  • S-CSCF - Provides S-CSCF functionality
  • I-CSCF - Provides I-CSCF functionality
  • BGCF - Provides BGCF functionality
  • Gemini - An application server responsible for twinning VoIP clients with a mobile phone hosted on a native circuit-switched network. You can find out more here
  • Memento - An application server responsible for providing network-based call lists. You can find out more here
  • CDiv - Provides call diversion functionality
  • MMtel - Acts as a basic MMTel AS
  • Mangelwurzel - Acts as a basic B2BUA

Each Sproutlet has three configuration options. The options have the same format for each Sproutlet, as listed here, with <sproutlet> replaced by the appropriate Sproutlet name:

  • <sproutlet> - The port that the Sproutlet listens on. The default value depends on the Sproutlet. Some Sproutlets default to 0 (meaning that they are disabled by default). For other Sproutlets, the defaults are:

    I-CSCF - 5052
    BGCF - 5053
    S-CSCF - 5054
    MMTel - 5055
  • <sproutlet>_prefix - The identifier prefix for this Sproutlet, used to build the uri, as described below. The default value is simply the Sproutlet name: <sproutlet>

  • <sproutlet>_uri - The full identifier for this Sproutlet, used for routing and receiving requests between nodes. The default value is created using the prefix and the hostname of the parent Sprout node, i.e. sip:<sproutlet_prefix>.<sprout_hostname>;transport=tcp. We recommend that you don’t set this yourself anymore, and use the defaults provided.

As a concrete example, below are the S-CSCF options and the default values.

  • scscf=5054
  • scscf_prefix=scscf
  • scscf_uri=sip:scscf.<sprout_hostname>;transport=tcp

Advanced options

This section describes optional configuration options, particularly for ensuring conformance with other IMS devices such as HSSes, ENUM servers, application servers with strict requirements on Record-Route headers, and non-Clearwater I-CSCFs. These options should be set in the /etc/clearwater/shared_config file (in the format name=value, e.g. icscf=5052).

  • homestead_provisioning_port - the HTTP port the Homestead provisioning interface listens on. Defaults to 8889. Not needed when using an external HSS.

  • sas_server - the IP address or hostname of your Metaswitch Service Assurance Server for call logging and troubleshooting. Optional.

  • reg_max_expires - determines the maximum expires= parameter Sprout will set on Contact headers at registrations, and therefore the amount of time before a UE has to re-register - must be less than 2^31 ms (approximately 25 days). Default is 300 (seconds).

  • sub_max_expires - determines the maximum Expires header Sprout will set in subscription responses, and therefore the amount of time before a UE has to re-subscribe - must be less than 2^31 ms (approximately 25 days).

  • upstream_hostname - the I-CSCF which Bono should pass requests to. Defaults to icscf.<sprout_hostname>.

  • upstream_port - the port on the I-CSCF which Bono should pass requests to. Defaults to 5052. If set to 0, Bono will use SRV resolution of the upstream_hostname hostname to determine a target for traffic.

  • sprout_rr_level - this determines how the Sprout S-CSCF adds Record-Route headers. Possible values are:

    • pcscf - a Record-Route header is only added just after requests come from or go to a P-CSCF - that is, at the start of originating handling and the end of terminating handling
    • pcscf,icscf - a Record-Route header is added just after requests come from or go to a P-CSCF or I-CSCF - that is, at the start and end of originating handling and the start and end of terminating handling
    • pcscf,icscf,as - a Record-Route header is added after requests come from or go to a P-CSCF, I-CSCF or application server - that is, at the start and end of originating handling, the start and end of terminating handling, and between each application server invoked
  • force_hss_peer - when set to an IP address or hostname, Homestead will create a connection to the HSS using this value, but will still use the hss_realm and hss_hostname settings for the Destination-Host and Destination-Realm Diameter AVPs. This is useful when your HSS’s Diameter configuration does not match the DNS records.

  • hss_mar_lowercase_unknown - some Home Subscriber Servers (particularly old releases of OpenIMSCore HSS) expect the string ‘unknown’ rather than ‘Unknown’ in Multimedia-Auth-Requests when Clearwater cannot tell what authentication type is expected. Setting this option to ‘Y’ will make Homestead send requests in this format.

  • hss_mar_force_digest - if Clearwater cannot tell what authentication type a subscriber is trying to use, this forces it to assume ‘SIP Digest’ and report that in the Multimedia-Auth-Request, rather than ‘Unknown’.

  • hss_mar_force_aka - if Clearwater cannot tell what authentication type a subscriber is trying to use, this forces it to assume ‘Digest-AKA-v1’ and report that in the Multimedia-Auth-Request, rather than ‘Unknown’.

  • force_third_party_reg_body - if the HSS does not allow the IncludeRegisterRequest/IncludeRegisterResponse fields (which were added in 3GPP Rel 9) to be configured, setting force_third_party_reg_body=Y makes Clearwater behave as though they had been sent, allowing interop with application servers that need them.

  • enforce_user_phone - by default, Clearwater will do an ENUM lookup on any SIP URI that looks like a phone number, due to client support for user-phone not being widespread. When this option is set to ‘Y’, Clearwater will only do ENUM lookups for URIs which have the user=phone parameter.

  • enforce_global_only_lookups - by default, Clearwater will do ENUM lookups for SIP and Tel URIs containing global and local numbers (as defined in RFC 3966). When this option is set to ‘Y’, Clearwater will only do ENUM lookups for SIP and Tel URIs that contain global numbers.

  • hs_listen_port - the Diameter port which Homestead listens on. Defaults to 3868.

  • ralf_listen_port - the Diameter port which Ralf listens on. Defaults to 3869 to avoid clashes when colocated with Homestead.

  • alias_list - this defines additional hostnames and IP addresses which Sprout or Bono will treat as local for the purposes of SIP routing (e.g. when removing Route headers).

  • default_session_expires - determines the Session-Expires value which Sprout will add to INVITEs, to force UEs to send keepalive messages during calls so they can be tracked for billing purposes. This cannot be set to a value less than 90 seconds, as specified in RFC 4028, section 4.

  • max_session_expires - determines the maximum Session-Expires/Min-SE value which Sprout will accept in requests. This cannot be set to a value less than 90 seconds, as specified in RFC 4028, sections 4 and 5.

  • enum_server - a comma-separated list of DNS servers which can handle ENUM queries.

  • enum_suffix - determines the DNS suffix used for ENUM requests (after the digits of the number). Defaults to “”

  • enum_file - if set (to a file path), and if enum_server is not set, Sprout will use this local JSON file for ENUM lookups rather than a DNS server. An example file is on our ENUM page.

  • external_icscf_uri - the SIP address of the external I-CSCF integrated with your Sprout node (if you have one).

  • additional_home_domains - this option defines a set of home domains which Sprout and Bono will regard as locally hosted (i.e. allowing users to register, not routing calls via an external trunk). It is a comma-separated list.

  • billing_realm - this sets the Destination-Realm on Diameter messages to your external CDR. CDR connections are not based on this but on configuration at the P-CSCF (which sets the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header).

  • diameter_timeout_ms - determines the number of milliseconds Homestead will wait for a response from the HSS before failing a request. Defaults to 200.

  • max_peers - determines the maximum number of Diameter peers which Ralf or Homestead can have open connections to at the same time.

  • num_http_threads (Ralf/Memento) - determines the number of threads that will be used to process HTTP requests. For Memento this defaults to the number of CPU cores on the system. For Ralf it defaults to 50 times the number of CPU cores (Memento and Ralf use different threading models, hence the different defaults). Note that for Homestead, this can only be set in /etc/clearwater/user_settings.

  • num_http_worker_threads - determines the number of threads that will be used to process HTTP requests once they have been parsed. Only used by Memento.

  • ralf_diameteridentity - determines the Origin-Host that will be set on the Diameter messages Ralf sends. Defaults to public_hostname (with some formatting changes if public_hostname is an IPv6 address).

  • hs_diameteridentity - determines the Origin-Host that will be set on the Diameter messages Homestead sends. Defaults to public_hostname (with some formatting changes if public_hostname is an IPv6 address).

  • max_call_list_length - determines the maximum number of complete calls a subscriber can have in the call list store. This defaults to no limit. This is only relevant if the node includes a Memento AS.

  • call_list_store_ttl - determines how long each call list fragment should be kept in the call list store. This defaults to 604800 seconds (1 week). This is only relevant if the node includes a Memento AS.

  • memento_disk_limit - determines the maximum size that the call lists database may occupy. This defaults to 20% of disk space. This is only relevant if the node includes a Memento AS. Can be specified in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, or a percentage of the available disk. For example:

    memento_disk_limit=10240 # Bytes
    memento_disk_limit=100k  # Kilobytes
    memento_disk_limit=100M  # Megabytes
    memento_disk_limit=100G  # Gigabytes
    memento_disk_limit=45%   # Percentage of available disk
  • memento_threads - determines the number of threads dedicated to adding call list fragments to the call list store. This defaults to 25 threads. This is only relevant if the node includes a Memento AS.

  • memento_notify_url - If set to an HTTP URL, memento will make a POST request to this URL whenever a subscriber’s call list changes. The body of the POST request will be a JSON document with the subscriber’s IMPU in a field named impu. This is only relevant if the node includes a Memento AS. If empty, no notifications will be sent. Defaults to empty.

  • signaling_dns_server - a comma-separated list of DNS servers for non-ENUM queries. Defaults to (i.e. uses dnsmasq)

  • target_latency_us - Target latency (in microsecs) for requests above which throttling applies. This defaults to 100000 microsecs

  • max_tokens - Maximum number of tokens allowed in the token bucket (used by the throttling code). This defaults to 1000 tokens

  • init_token_rate - Initial token refill rate of tokens in the token bucket (used by the throttling code). This defaults to 250 tokens per second per core

  • min_token_rate - Minimum token refill rate of tokens in the token bucket (used by the throttling code). This defaults to 10.0

  • override_npdi - Whether the I-CSCF, S-CSCF and BGCF should check for number portability data on requests that already have the ‘npdi’ indicator. This defaults to false

  • exception_max_ttl - determines the maximum time before a process exits if it crashes. This defaults to 600 seconds

  • check_destination_host - determines whether the node checks the Destination-Host on a Diameter request when deciding whether it should process the request. This defaults to true.

  • astaire_cpu_limit_percentage - the maximum percentage of total CPU that Astaire is allowed to consume when resyncing memcached data (as part of a scale-up, scale-down, or following a memcached failure). Note that this only limits the CPU usage of the Astaire process, and does not affect memcached’s CPU usage. Must be an integer. Defaults to 5.

  • sip_blacklist_duration - the time in seconds for which SIP peers are blacklisted when they are unresponsive (defaults to 30 seconds).

  • http_blacklist_duration - the time in seconds for which HTTP peers are blacklisted when they are unresponsive (defaults to 30 seconds).

  • diameter_blacklist_duration - the time in seconds for which Diameter peers are blacklisted when they are unresponsive (defaults to 30 seconds).

  • snmp_ip - the IP address to send alarms to (defaults to being unset). If this is set then Sprout, Ralf, Homestead and Chronos will send alarms - more details on the alarms are here. This can be a single IP address, or a comma-separated list of IP addresses.

  • impu_cache_ttl - the number of seconds for which Homestead will cache the SIP Digest from a Multimedia-Auth-Request. Defaults to 0, as Sprout does enough caching to ensure that it can handle an authenticated REGISTER after a challenge, and subsequent challenges should be rare.

  • sip_tcp_connect_timeout - the time in milliseconds to wait for a SIP TCP connection to be established (defaults to 2000 milliseconds).

  • sip_tcp_send_timeout - the time in milliseconds to wait for sent data to be acknowledgered at the TCP level on a SIP TCP connection (defaults to 2000 milliseconds).

  • session_continued_timeout_ms - if an Application Server with default handling of ‘continue session’ is unresponsive, this is the time that Sprout will wait (in milliseconds) before bypassing the AS and moving onto the next AS in the chain (defaults to 2000 milliseconds).

  • session_terminated_timeout_ms - if an Application Server with default handling of ‘terminate session’ is unresponsive, this is the time that Sprout will wait (in milliseconds) before terminating the session (defaults to 4000 milliseconds).

  • sas_use_signaling_interface - When this field is set to ‘Y’, SAS traffic is routed via the signaling network, rather than the management network.

  • pbxes - a comma separated list of IP address that Bono considers to be PBXes that are incapable of registering. Non-REGISTER requests from these addresses are passed upstream to Sprout with a Proxy-Authorization header. It is strongly recommended that Sprout’s non_register_authentication option is set to if_proxy_authorization_present so that the request will be challenged. Bono also permits requests to these addresses from the core to pass through it.

  • pbx_service_route - the SIP URI to which Bono routes originating calls from non-registering PBXes (which are identified by the pbxes option). This is used to route requests directly to the S-CSCF rather than going via an I-CSCF (which could change the route header and prevent the S-CSCF from processing the request properly). This URI is used verbatim and should almost always include the lr, orig, and auto-reg parameters. If this option is not specified, the requests are routed to the address specified by the upstream_hostname and upstream_port options.

    • e.g.;transport=tcp;lr;orig;auto-reg
  • non_register_authentication - controls when Sprout will challenge a non-REGISTER request using SIP Proxy-Authentication. Possible values are never (meaning Sprout will never challenge) or if_proxy_authorization_present (meaning Sprout will only challenge requests that have a Proxy-Authorization header).

  • ralf_threads - used on Sprout nodes, this determines how many worker threads should be started to do Ralf request processing (defaults to 25).

  • impi_store_mode - used to control how Sprout stores authentication challenges. The default is impi which means that challenges are written to a single memcached database table indexed by IMPI. There is another option, av-impi, where challenges are also stored in an old table indexed by (IMPI, nonce). This setting can be used to upgrade Clearwater to use the new database table without losing registration state.

  • nonce_count_supported - when set to ‘Y’ Clearwater permits authentication responses with a nonce-count greater than 1. By default this option is not enabled. Enabling this option can expose certain security holes if your deployment does not use an HSS (and uses Homestead-Prov instead) and an I-CSCF. Specifically if the option is set and a malicious UE manages to register:

    • Without an HSS there is no way to force it to become deregistered.
    • Without an I-CSCF there is no way to prevent it from registering as different user accounts.

Experimental options

This section describes optional configuration options which may be useful, but are not heavily-used or well-tested by the main Clearwater development team. These options should be set in the /etc/clearwater/shared_config file (in the format name=value, e.g.

  • cassandra_hostname - if using an external Cassandra cluster (which is a fairly uncommon configuration), a hostname that resolves to one or more Cassandra nodes.
  • ralf_secure_listen_port - this determines the port Ralf listens on for TLS-secured Diameter connections.
  • hs_secure_listen_port - this determines the port Homestead listens on for TLS-secured Diameter connections.
  • ellis_cookie_key - an arbitrary string that enables Ellis nodes to determine whether they should be in the same cluster. This function is not presently used.
  • stateless_proxies - a comma separated list of domain names that are treated as SIP stateless proxies. Stateless proxies are not blacklisted if a SIP transaction sent to them times out. This field should reflect how the servers are identified in SIP. For example if a cluster of nodes is identified by the name ‘’, the option should be set to ‘’ instead of the hostnames or IP addresses of individual servers.
  • hss_reregistration_time - determines how many seconds should pass before Homestead sends a Server-Assignment-Request with type RE_REGISTRATION to the HSS. (On first registration, it will always send a SAR with type REGISTRATION). This determines a minimum value - after this many seconds have passed, Homestead will send the Server-Assignment-Request when the next REGISTER is received. Note that Homestead invalidates its cache of the registration and iFCs after twice this many seconds have passed, so it is not safe to set this to less than half of reg_max_expires. The default value of this option is whichever is the greater of the following.
    • Half of the value of reg_max_expires.

User settings

This section describes settings that may vary between systems in the same deployment, such as log level (which may be increased on certain machines to track down specific issues) and performance settings (which may vary if some servers in your deployment are more powerful than others). These settings are set in /etc/clearwater/user_settings (in the format name=value, e.g. log_level=5).

  • log_level - determines how verbose Clearwater’s logging is, from 1 (error logs only) to 5 (debug-level logs). Defaults to 2.
  • log_directory - determines which folder the logs are created in. This folder must exist, and be owned by the service. Defaults to /var/log/ (this folder is created and has the correct permissions set for it by the install scripts of the service).
  • max_log_directory_size - determines the maximum size of each Clearwater process’s log_directory in bytes. Defaults to 1GB. If you are co-locating multiple Clearwater processes, you’ll need to reduce this value proportionally.
  • num_worker_threads - for Sprout and Bono nodes, determines how many worker threads should be started to do SIP/IMS processing. Defaults to 50 times the number of CPU cores on the system.
  • upstream_connections - determines the maximum number of TCP connections which Bono will open to the I-CSCF(s). Defaults to 50.
  • upstream_recycle_connections - the average number of seconds before Bono will destroy and re-create a connection to Sprout. A higher value means slightly less work, but means that DNS changes will not take effect as quickly (as new Sprout nodes added to DNS will only start to receive messages when Bono creates a new connection and does a fresh DNS lookup).
  • authentication - by default, Clearwater performs authentication challenges (SIP Digest or IMS AKA depending on HSS configuration). When this is set to ‘Y’, it simply accepts all REGISTERs - obviously this is very insecure and should not be used in production.
  • num_http_threads (Homestead) - determines the number of HTTP worker threads that will be used to process requests. Defaults to 50 times the number of CPU cores on the system.

Other configuration options

There is further documentation for Chronos configuration here and Homer/Homestead-prov configuration here.