Creating a deployment with Chef

This is the final stage in creating a Clearwater deployment using the automated install process. Here we will actually create the deployment - commissioning servers and configuring DNS records.


Creating a Deployment

You now have two options - you can create an All-in-One node, where all the Clearwater components are run on a single machine instance, or a larger deployment which can potentially have numerous instances of each component.

Creating an All-in-One (“AIO”) node

To create a single machine instance running all the Clearwater components, run the following on the chef workstation machine.

cd ~/chef
knife box create cw_aio -E <name>

Our all-in-one nodes are created with the signup key ‘secret’, not the value configured in knife.rb (which is used for non-all-in-one nodes).

Optional arguments

The following modifier is available.

  • --index <value> - Name the new node <name>-cw_aio-<value> to permit distinguishing it from others.

Creating a larger deployment

To kick off construction of the deployment, run the following on the chef workstation machine.

cd ~/chef
knife deployment resize -E <name> --ralf-count 1 -V

Follow the on-screen prompts.

This will:

  • Commission AWS instances
  • Install the Clearwater software
  • Configure security groups
  • Configure DNS
  • Start the Clearwater services

Optional arguments

The following modifiers are available to set the scale of your deployment.

  • --bono-count NUM - Create NUM Bono nodes (default is 1)
  • --sprout-count NUM - Create NUM Sprout nodes (default is 1)
  • --homer-count NUM - Create NUM Homer nodes (default is 1)
  • --homestead-count NUM - Create NUM Homestead nodes (default is 1)
  • --ralf-count NUM - Create NUM Ralf nodes (default is 0)
  • --subscribers NUM - Auto-scale the deployment to handle NUM subscribers.
  • Due to a known limitation of the install process, Ellis will allocate 1000 numbers regardless of this value.
  • To bulk provision subscribers (without using Ellis), follow these instructions

More detailed documentation on the available Chef commands is available here.

Next steps

Now your deployment is installed and ready to use, you’ll want to test it.